Strengthening Social Dialogue in European Governance

Agencies, News

In the realm of European governance, the imperative of robust social dialogue and effective collective bargaining stands as a cornerstone of collaborative decision-making. As we navigate the complexities of governance within the European Commission and its affiliated bodies, it becomes increasingly apparent that the current state of social dialogue warrants scrutiny and improvement.

Under the Belgian presidency’s prioritization of collective bargaining and President Von der Leyen’s commitment to fostering dialogue, we find ourselves at a critical juncture. There is a commendable willingness from the Commission, under the leadership of Commissioner Hahn, to strengthen governance mechanisms and address longstanding concerns raised by Trade Unions (TUs).

However, despite some recent strides, significant challenges persist. Instances of delayed dialogue and restricted engagement underscore the need for comprehensive reform. From the late presentation of annual dialogue calendars to the exclusion of critical topics like Health & Security from discussions, there are clear indications of shortcomings in the current framework.

In this context, the convergence of these two narratives highlights both progress and persistent barriers in the journey towards enhanced social dialogue and collective bargaining rights. As representatives of the Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF), we remain steadfast in our commitment to constructive engagement and meaningful dialogue.

This combined letter from inter-syndical trade unions, as well as a letter from the President of Union Syndicale Fédérale to Commissioner Hahn, serves as a testament to our shared dedication to fostering an environment of transparency, inclusivity, and effective governance within the European Commission and beyond.

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