EUAA’s management situation

Special Report, Working conditions

Individual staff members and the local staff committee have contacted USF to complain and raise concerns regarding human resources management and ethic issues at EUAA Agency (Malta).

Following repeated complaints and articles published in the European press, on 4th July USF President, was mandated by Federal Committee to contact by letter Mrs. Nina Gregori EUAA’s Executive Director to discuss the situation and find a way to re-establish a climate of serenity and trust.

Mrs Gregori replied in her 1st of August 2022’s letter that she wished to receive more information on the nature of such claims before taking any action. Unfortunately, USF’s offer did not bring any results.

Although USF has no reason to doubt the Executive Director’s goodwill, it addressed a letter to Mrs Pariat, Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs, on the 28th of September which aimed at drawing her attention to the situation in EUAA and request her assistance to ensure the well-being of the personnel.


Note to the attention of Mrs. Doriane GIVORD-STRASSEL

Read Politico article Staff Complaints at EU ASYLUM AGENCY

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