Contract Agents General Implementation Policy’s Conciliation


Union Syndicale wishes to inform colleagues about the outcomes of today’s CA GIPs conciliation meeting between Commissioner G. Oettinger and Trade Unions representatives.

The College agreed on three points to be negotiated during conciliation, namely (i) grading scale on the entry into service ; (ii) internal job market ; (iii) political declaration on human resources policy for CAs.

As result of the conciliation meeting, Commissioner Oettinger agreed on the following measures to improve the current draft CA GIP’s:

  1. Grading scale on the entry into service (Art. 5)
    Reduction of the number of years of experience required for entry grade :
    -The 2nd grade of each FG (FGI 2, FGII 5, FGIII 9, FG 14) will require 5 year experience
    -Reduction from 21 to 17 years of experience required for FG IV grade 18
  2. Internal job market (Art. 14 Mobility inside the COM services and between COM and Executive Agencies)
    -To facilitate the 3b mobility, which according to the CA GIPs is subject to the discretionality of the recruitment service, DG Human Resources will encourage the CA 3b recruitment, including by monitoring closely the recruitment process, reporting on a yearly basis, and issuing certificates on the performances and skills acquired by CA 3b
  3. Political declaration on Human Resources policy for CAs :
    -All CAs are fully part of the COM talent management strategy
    -Internal competitions for all CAs and Pilot exercise for the CA 3a change of FG to be organised before the end of the current Commission mandate
    -Measurable indicators on the implementation of the GIPs, including a technical meeting with Trade Unions after one year of the GIPs adoption
    -The new political declaration will be issued shortly and will be shared with staff.
    The Central Staff Committee will provide an opnion on the final version of the CA GIP’s before its adoption which is foreseen around May/June.

The measures agreed during the conciliation respond only in part to the Contract Agents
needs for job security and effective career perspectives, and the other key points requested by Trade Unions (selection, reclassification, change of FG, succession of contracts, internal competitions) will be dealt with at technical level.

Union Syndicale is committed to working very closely with the DG Human Resources, line DGs, Executive Agencies and Trade Unions organisations to speed up the introduction and implementation of these measures. Union Syndicale will organise an info session to inform colleagues.

20170406 – Facebook USF – CA GIPs CONCILIATION – EN

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