At the Federal Committee meeting on July 2nd, the President of the USF was mandated to organize a meeting with the EUAA agency in order to discuss the situation and find the most appropriate ways to restore a climate of serenity and trust.
Indeed, some dysfunctions have been reported by employees and it seems that they are incompatible with the principles of each institution and public entity.
This information relates to :
- repeated episodes of mismanagement and non-compliance with the principles of legality and impartiality by which any public administration must be guided.
- serious loopholes in social dialogue and respect for trade union freedoms.
EUAA, or rather its predecessor EASO, is no extraneous to controversy and criticism for allegations of staff harassment, including “psychological violence”, misconduct in procurement procedures, irregularities in management of human resources.
Read the letter from USF’s Président to EUAA’s Executif Directeur
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