Human Rights of staff in IO’s


Human Rights of staff in International Organisations (IO’s)

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has now included in its agenda the insufficient protection of the Human Rights of staff of International Organisations.

USF welcomes this commitment and contributes to the debate with a suggestion based on an extension of the mandate of the European Committee of Social Rights.

Dear Mr Ullrich, dear Mr Schennach,

USF read most carefully the draft resolution, draft recommendation and report adopted by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights on the 11th October 2017, “AS/Jur (2017) 12”, as well as the Resolution 1979 (2014) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) is the largest federation of employees` unions in the European Public Service, with about 20 branches in European Institutions, agencies and other European International Organisations. USF is an affiliate of EPSU (European Public Service Unions, which is an affiliate of ETUC), PSI (Public Services International) and the European Movement.

1. Introduction: from Resolution 1979 (2014) to draft Report and Resolution AS/Jur (2017) 12 USF confirms that safely meeting ECHR standards in International Organisations (IOs) has been an unresolved issue for many years and that globally the situation has deteriorated. The Human Rights of Staff in IO’s are indeed suffering from obvious gaps in the currently available legal protection systems. Therefore, USF welcomes the commitment of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the issue of Human Rights and employment disputes in International Organisations.


20171122 – USF – Human Rights of staff of International Organisations – Lettre – EN

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