Happy Labour Day 2024


International Labour Day 2024 holds special significance as this year, we also commemorate the 50th anniversary of Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF). For this special occasion, we would like to reaffirm that we stand united, not just today, but every day for social justice and decent work for all. It also serves as a poignant reminder that many of the social advancements we enjoy today are the result of a balanced distribution of power that we’ve been fighting for since the day our trade union was born.

May 1st symbolises unity and cooperation, underscoring the importance of standing together rather than succumbing to division, which undermines our collective efforts. Let us not forget that negotiation, advocacy and, when necessary, general strikes are vital tools in securing fair and democratic workplaces. We are still facing adversity and complex challenges that need our determination to foster social harmony and set in motion the social equality that we dream of.

The International Labour Day is a good reminder for us not to lose our vision of what we have been and what we are still fighting for.  Therefore, for International Labour Day 2024, we wish all workers to have the right to participate in the decision-making processes, to ensure they have their right to have a better working condition in a socially equal working environment wherever they are, whatever work they do.

Happy Labour Day !

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