Council: A new Mobility policy

USB - Consilium

Agreement of 26 June 2017:

An agreement between the AIPN, Union Syndicale and the other representative trade union organizations was concluded on 26 June 2017 during the second phase of consultation with the Secretary-General of the Council. The objective is to facilitate internal mobility and to enhance the professional experience of colleagues.

The new Decision has been subject to a thorough consultation process in which feedback gathered from both managers and staff helped to shape the new policy. Following the formal consultations, an agreement was reached between the Secretary-General and the trade unions. The compromises agreed are reflected in the Decision and its accompanying Record of Agreement, to which one of the trade unions has added a statement.

Why the new mobility policy?

There is a need for more mobility within the GSC to ensure that the organisation becomes more resilient and better prepared to adapt to change. More mobility not only leads to a stronger organisation, but also brings a lot of benefits for services and for staff. Services gain fresh perspectives and know-how from staff who are able to grow in different roles, using their experiences and skills throughout the organisation. Therefore, the general principle is that all GSC officials are encouraged to undertake mobility throughout their careers, preferably between the fifth and seventh year in a post. While staff mobility has overwhelmingly positive effects, it can present some risks, mostly related to business continuity and retention of knowledge. This is why there are several elements in the new policy and the way ahead for its implementation to mitigate such risks, and succession planning should improve as mobility becomes more predictable.

Council – CP 46-17 – Mobility policy – EN

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