USF warns EPO on results of internal survey


With a letter dated 29th January 2019, USF warns Mr Campinos’ (EPO director) about the negative perception of the abusive – and for several of them still unresolved – disciplinary cases against staff or union representatives at the EPO and the personal suffering the situation still entails. In the meantime, a survey has been run at the EPO which seems to reveal/shows very worrying results calling for an analysis to be run jointly by the EPO President and the EPO staff representation / SUEPO.

Download the Letter here in which USF warns the EPO director, Mr Campinos about the abusive disciplinary cases and the suffering the situation still entails for the personnel.

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Excerpt :

Only two thirds of EPO staff are proud to work at the European Patent Office. Four in ten say they face substantial obstacles to doing their job well. They have a very negative view of management effectiveness, with low confidence in senior management decisions, lack of clarity about direction, and insufficient contact between senior management and staff. Concerns are high about the Office’s commitment to quality, and about its reputation and service focus. The majority of staff have autonomy to do their work, but far fewer think it is safe to speak up, or feel encouraged to contribute new ideas. There is little evidence of a ‘continuous improvement culture’ in the Office.

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