Since last EUROCONTROL Provisional Council, ETF has been following the development of the “Deloitte Report” which aimed to implement some reforms including staff regulations and for which very little information and details were given to the concerned parties making all the 17 given recommendations unclear.
Therefore, the ETF met with the EUROCONTROL Head of DG Office to discuss actions so far taken and the continued objectives of the Deloitte report. While they are trying to implement some of the recommendations, there remains one outstanding element, which is the reform of the staff regulations including working conditions. The ETF continues to make it clear that the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) community will not stand for a forced or unfair implementation of lesser working conditions. As an Agency, continued constructive social dialogue is essential and the only way this issue can be managed.
While we encourage EUROCONTROL to continue the social dialogue, we remain concerned that there is still no endorsement from the Provisional Council of EUROCONTROL for the staff regulations reform.
ATM Committee Chairperson Gauthier Sturtzer stated: “The staff regulations reform requires a mandate from the Members States that so far EUROCONTROL has not received.”
The ETF stands in solidarity with the social partners at EUROCONTROL, and continues their commitment to support them in their continued dialogue with EUROCONTROL during this difficult time.