the International Public Services Day


The International Public Services Day – 23rd of June

Watch our first round table, dedicated to the European public service! On the occasion of the International Public Services Day (23 June) and responding to the call of the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), our representatives discussed the interest of a European public service and its adaptation to the current crisis.

The United Nations has declared 23 June as International Public Service Day. It is the day we celebrate the contribution of public service workers to our communities. The pandemic has shown how important the contribution of our members and other essential workers is to the maintenance of our society. Public service workers enable people to enjoy their human rights, countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the EU to respect the European pillar of social rights. The EPSU Executive agreed that we should use this date to celebrate the work of public service workers who have often put their lives at risk during the pandemic, particularly health and care workers, many of whom have had COVID19 and several thousand have died in Europe.

Key messages for 23 June:

Build back better! Prioritise quality public services, with sufficient staff and skilled workers, for a future for all.
Higher wages and better working conditions for public service workers!
No to austerity! No to privatisation and commercialisation.

Discover the different answers of our speakers (Nicolas Mavraganis, USF President; Peter Kempen, USF Secretary General; Juan-Pedro Perez-Escanilla, USF Vice President) on the challenges facing public services:

1. What is the added value of public service and in particular that of the European public service?
2. Regarding the “New Normal”, how will public services deal with the end of the COVID-19 crisis?
3. How is trade union mobilisation reflected in an increasingly digitalised world of work?
4. What is the impact of privatisation and outsourcing on public services?

If you prefer to listen to our podcast, click here.

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