Studies on the negative impact of TiSA


Studies on the negative impact of TiSA

As reported in the February EPSU trade update, TiSA negotiations have come to a halt and there are uncertainties about the future of the negotiations, at least until the position of the US is clearer. The draft final Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) and the report of the civil dialogue meeting on 17 May that discussed the SIA is available. EPSU reiterated its concerns over the lack of protection for public services and workers’ rights.

A number of organisations have published further studies about the negative impact of TiSA:

  • In May the ITF (International Transport Federation) published research into the effects of TiSA on transport workers, commissioned by the ITF and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (see EPSU update on trade developments July 2017 the full report and the executive summary. ITF has a new project to coordinate actions to oppose TiSA – see
  • In July UNI Global published ‘foul play’ about the impact of TiSA on UNI’s sectors.
  • Also in July, Scott Sinclair drafted a comprehensive study “TiSA Troubles: Services, Democracy and Corporate Rule in the Trump Era” for the Rosa Luxembourg foundation. You can download the English version here (German, French and Spanish translations will be available soon).

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