Salary Adjustment

Method, Special Report

Salary adjustment : + 4.5 %

(Not for public dissemination)

Union Syndicale wishes to pass on to its members details of the salary adjustment for this year, before the relevant figures are published through official channels.

The salary adjustment method, which Union Syndicale devised, fought for, obtained and has defended through a series of hard negotiations and industrial action dating back to 1981, gives an overall result of + 7 % net for this year.

This figure is calculated on the basis of the following three sets of data:

  • Inflation: + 8,6 %, from July 2021 to June 2022. This is our key indicator and is based on figures reflecting typical spending by colleagues in the European Public Service. This figure differs marginally from the overall inflation rate.
  • The loss of purchasing power of our national colleagues: – 3,9 %. During the same time period colleagues working in national government civil services will have lost this amount of purchasing power, based on a weighted average. This is due to the high inflation in all member states, which salary increases at national level have not been able to offset.
  • The 2.5 % salary increase that was not applied in 2020 due to the economic crisis. The level of economic activity in 2022 will, however, exceed the 2019 pre-pandemic level. This means that the 2.5% adjustment can now be applied.

As a result, these data generate an overall + 7,0 % net figure, to be applied retroactively from July 2022.

At the beginning of the year, we received a provisional 2.4 % salary adjustment owing to the high inflation rate. The latest calculation therefore has been lowered to allow for the 2.4 % which has already been applied. This therefore gives a + 4.5 % figure for the adjustment that is effective from July 2022.

In the near future, we will be publishing a fuller, more detailed explanation along with a historical overview of the application of our method.

Union Syndicale will continue to defend the method, which guarantees stable industrial relations in the European Public Service.


The Executive Committee

Union Syndicale

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