Moral Harassment at Work

Harassment, Special Report

“Union Syndicale dedicated the day of 23 October 2018 to the protection of workers against moral harassment at work, which is one of USF’s top priority issues.

On this occasion, it published a series of articles to provide an update on the issues and on its activities in this field (see below).”





Awareness-Raising Day, 23 October 2018
Union Syndicale wishes to dedicate the day of 23 October 2018 to the protection of workers against moral harassment at work. This is an issue of top priority for our trade union.
We would like to invite you to publicize this action day in all places of employment of your institution/organisation. We must all against this scourge!

Union Syndicale federates a large number of the trade unions present in the European institutions and international organisations. It represents all staff working for the European Public Service, without distinction as to nationality, gender, creed, political opinion, rank or status.

To defend workers against harassment is one of our top priorities.

Despite the existing regulations in place, overall we notice an unsatisfactory treatment of the complaints brought forward, and we perceive a big gap between theory and practice. In May 2015 our Congress in Dubrovnik decided to address this issue. Following the Congress mandate on this subject, Union Syndicale has set up a working group, which is currently carrying out substantive work so as to propose rules to optimise the handling of harassment complaints, in respect, fairness and dignity. On a daily basis, we listen carefully to the problems our colleagues in the various affiliated organisations express to us. We, at the federal level, do not hesitate to take legal action when justified, even against high-ranking figures.

This day was launched at the initiative of IPSO (our affiliated section) at the European Central Bank.

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