Letter of Support to the Chair of the Administrative Council of EPO


The petition launched in October 2022 by  Union syndicale in the European Patent Office (EPO)  has met with no response. A petition to the Administrative Council of the EPO expressing the view that a Conference of the Ministers of the Contracting States provided by Art.4a of the European Patent Convention (EPC) is now long overdue. Therefore, Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) wishes to support and to join the SUEPO (Staff Union of the EPO) claim to convene a Conference of the Ministers of the Contracting States under Art.4a of the EPC.  Read the letter of support from Nicolas Mavraganis, the President of USF to Mr. Josef Kratochvil, Chair of the Administrative Council, regarding SUEPO’s open letter to the Administrative Council on the Conference of Ministers of the Contracting States under Article 4a.

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US Flash Septembre 2024
USB - Consilium

Vous trouverez dans la présente édition: construire un lieu de travail démocratique, allocation scolaire, négociation entre l’administration et les syndicats et webinaires de l’union syndicale

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