JSIS and the Rights of People with Disabilities

JSIS, Special Report

The Commission urged to comply with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


In 2015, a UN committee ruled that the health insurance scheme for EU staff, the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme (JSIS), did not comply with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The committee recommended that the EU modify the JSIS to provide comprehensive disability-related healthcare coverage.

After receiving complaints from staff members who had encountered problems in obtaining full reimbursement of their medical expenses or those of their family members, the Ombudsman conducted a strategic inquiry. She concluded that the European Commission’s failure to take effective action in response to the Committee’s recommendation amounted to maladministration. She, therefore, recommended that the Commission review the rules governing CAMR and the rights of disabled people. It also made a number of suggestions to the Commission concerning the coverage of the needs of disabled people.

See the case and case documents on the European Ombudsman’s website

To find out more about the health insurance scheme in general, click here.

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