Harassment: Zero Tolerance in Our Institutions

Harassment, Special Report

Harassment : Zero tolerance in the EU institutions !

In the context of the numerous reactions which followed the Weinstein case,  President Tajani vigorously condemned sexual harassment  and took stock of the measures already in place in the European Parliament to counter such practices, against which he undertook to observe zero tolerance.

In his response, he highlighted the broader phenomenon of psychological harassment, which affects women and men indiscriminately, with consequences ranging from work-related discomfort to inability to work, or even suicide. In particular, we recall the known cases of harassment at the Court of
Auditors and the European Parliament, the first having been buried, the second having led to compensation for the two victims, not for harassment, bur for unlawful dismissal and the EP’s refusing to deal with their harassment complaints.

At its Dubrovnik Congress (2015), the USF made harassment (moral and sexual harassment) one of its priorities. To this end, the USF Federal Committee has set up a working group which should draw up a set of rules, inspired by the most progressive legislation, on how to deal with complaints of harassment with a view to pushing for the establishment of legally binding internal rules in institutions, in order to ensure better protection and fairer treatment of agents.

Link to (video) statement by President Tajani (EN)


Union Syndicale Brussels CommissionDraining the sources of harassment and zero tolerance for this phenomenon !

This issue is one of the priorities in the election program of US Brussels at the Commission.

The two keywords for USB Bruxelles are : vigilance and anticipation. It is important to set in motion the work necessary to raise awareness of  invisible costs of this plague. In particular in times of crisis, this is a priority for a harmonious working environment.

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