Europol: Tensions Over Contract Jobs

Special Report, Working conditions

Imposed CA cuts by Commission

One of the main problems facing Europol this September 2019 is the issue of imposed CA cuts by the Commission, causing tensions over jobs. Europol is trying to leverage support in the European Parliament to secure the staff it currently has and secure additional TAs to respond to an increase in activities. Furthermore, it is important to remember that CAs are not part of the Europol establishment plan, so the Management Board can make a decision on the final authorized number of CAs. However, pressure from the European Commission to lower the number of CAs will understandably make it difficult for the Management Board to go against the proposed cuts. The Europol Management Board takes place on the 4th of October, so Europol staff are hoping there will be more clarity regarding their situation soon, as tensions over their jobs arise.

A feeling of hopelessness among staff

Staff are understandably demoralized and worried when faced with these proposed cuts. This has been exacerbated by little direct official communication from upper management. However, upper management in Europol appears willing to amend their communication strategy. There is a real feeling of hopelessness among staff, especially since some CAs have already resigned as a direct result of the current atmosphere in Europol.

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