EPSO Cancelled the Competition !




On 31 March 2023, EPSO announced formally its decision to cancel competition EPSO/AST/154/22 after having considered internally (at EPSO’s Management Board) a number of options none of which was satisfactory. However, the decision to cancel the competition at this stage was the worst possible one!

• Unsuccessful candidates who have suffered from bad organisation and irresponsible invigilation rules are not awarded a much desired second chance.
• Successful candidates having already “survived” the first phase were simply informed that the competition stops here for them, the good results obtained at this stage are not valid and cannot be used, should a new similar competition be launched in the near future.

This is the outcome of a much advertised, but poorly prepared, remotely conducted competition which is supposed to be the model for all future competitions.

Conclusion: a total waste of European taxpayers’ money, candidates’ time and effort and a hard blow to EU Institutions’ reputation.

Will someone be held accountable for this?

Union Syndicale in close cooperation (“Front Commun”) with all Commission trade unions and the Central Staff Committee have on several occasions pointed out the weaknesses and possible legal failures of this process and asked in time for all necessary corrective measures.

EPSO and DG HR ignored these warnings and – as usually – considered that their approach is totally faultless. This is not the first time in the last years that administration fails to its duty with regard to social dialogue and staff consultation – unfortunately we are getting used to this arrogant attitude.

Union Syndicale considers it necessary to stress once again that cancelling a competition at this advanced stage is neither a valid nor an adequate response to the situation created by EPSO’s inadvertence, as it could have a negative impact also on other running competitions, multiplying thus the disastrous effects of this first decision.

On this basis:

• Union Syndicale strongly requests EPSO to reconsider its decision to cancel the competition EPSO/AST/154/22 and to seek any other realistic and legally acceptable solution that would enable successful candidates to preserve their good results and unsuccessful candidates to have the opportunity to be tested in a decent and fair way.

• Union Syndicale insists on the need to actively involve staff representation in all discussions regarding the future model for competitions and to remain open and receptive to any useful comment and suggestion, even when this does not fit the administration’s perception of things.

• Union Syndicale calls DG HR to seriously consider the damage of Commission’s image to the external world and do its utmost in the context of EPSO’s Management Board with a view to reinstating the EU as an employer attracting the best candidates through a fair selection model for all, respecting human dignity and personal life.

Candidates, Union Syndicale is on your side! Join US!

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