Congress Political Resolution


The 15th USF Congress has taken a political resolution. Neoliberal policies, by weakening large sections of society, have paved the way for the rise of forces that are working for the disintegration of Europe. The European public service is the backbone of the European project and must be defended against nationalism by all those who support European integration. On this will depend not only our jobs and their quality, but also the future of the entire continent.

Excerpt of the Congress political resolution :

First of all, the crisis of financial capitalism, which exploded on the mortgage markets in the United States in 2008, destabilised the world economic system. In Europe, the banking crisis turned into a public debt crisis, with public funds used to sponge up private debts. The sole response the European Union managed to muster in order to stabilise Member States in difficulty was a shock treatment of brutal austerity. The bill has been footed by workers, public services, pensioners, young people suffering mass employment and, more generally, people dependent on social transfers.

The European civil service, in its broadest sense, which also includes other international public services in Europe, is vulnerable on two fronts : firstly, as a public service, it is under the same attacks as municipal, regional, national and hospital services (hate speech, budget cuts, staff reductions, etc.) and secondly, “Brussels bureaucrats” symbolise European integration – a target for nationalists.

Political resolution (FR)

You can find here all the others documents from the Congress.

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