Battistelli’s record

News, Working conditions

EPO President Battistelli’s poor record

“EPO President Battistelli – a man who simultaneously acted “as accuser, prosecutor and judge”, says the EPO-FLIER Team.

The EPO-FLIER Team is a “group of concerned staff who wish to remain anonymous due to the prevailing harsh social climate and absence of the rule of law” at the European Patent Office (EPO).”

Excerpt of Battistelli’s record :

Dear colleagues,

These last few weeks have been extremely challenging for all of us.
When I look back at the enormous efforts made over the past few years in terms of production under my illustrious and no doubt much loved and admired predecessor and in my own relatively short time in the Office I feel nothing less than admiration and respect for the dedication, skills and hard work of the staff.

I am particularly impressed and grateful for the huge efforts being made by staff across the Office to rise to the challenges presented by the Covid-19 crisis. In particular the sense of duty that so many of you are showing by undertaking ad hoc teleworking under what for many must be far less than ideal conditions is worthy of particular praise.

Now obviously there will be a fair number of people, especially among the examiners, who are worried that they might not achieve their target. This is not a problem. I am today issuing the instruction to the COOs, to be cascaded down to all managers in DG1, that until something resembling normality is resumed, the byword is “do what you can”. The Office is grateful for that.

The EPO’s current president, Mr Battistelli will long be remembered for riding roughshod over staff’s rights and for his acts of revenge against anyone who tried to stop him. Simultaneously acting as accuser, prosecutor and judge, he could count on the zealous assistance of PD-HR. His brutal management methods have transformed a former model international civil service organisation into an Orwellian dystopia.

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