Attile Vajnai and Nationalism in Europe


Mr Attila Vajnai, President of the Council of Presidents of the European Left Party was the guest of the 15th Congress of USF. He intervened on the issue of the rise of nationalism in Europe. Excerpt from his speech:

Dear members of Union Syndical Federal, dear comrades,

On behalf of the party of the European Left, I would like first of all to thank you very much for your invitation. We are glad to be here.

My name is Attila Vajnai, I come from Hungary and I am here on behalf of the Party of the European Left, the European party formed in the 2004 and grouping now around 40 parties referring “to the values and traditions of socialism, communism and the labour movement, of feminism, the feminist movement and gender equality, of the environmental movement and sustainable development, of peace and international solidarity, of human rights, humanism and antifascism, of progressive and liberal thinking, both nationally and internationally”. There is so much to do and to work on to achieve better working conditions everywhere. Especially in these times where precarious jobs have been imposed and therefore instability has unfortunately became part of the life, especially that of young people. And now we have also to face another huge struggle that is becoming more and more vital all around Europe, the rise of authoritarian nationalisms. Let me ,please, bring at your attention what that would mean, being Hungarian, and already in the middle of this process of genetically change of the society.

Speech of Mr Attila VAJNAI (European Left) EN

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