Amnesty for EPO trade unionists


On January 29, 2019, the USF President reminded the new EPO President of the request for an amnesty for EPO trade unionists. Following this, the EPO President has just contacted our comrade Laurent Prunier. The European Patent Office is shaken by worrying events: dismissal of staff representatives, a worrying internal inquiry into the staff situation…

The EPO has been the subject of an internal investigation, the disturbing results of which have prompted USF to react. In a letter dated January 29, 2019, USF drew Mr. Campinos’ attention to the negative perception of abusive – and for several still unresolved – disciplinary proceedings against staff or union representatives at the EPO and the personal suffering that the situation still causes. In the meantime, an internal investigation has been carried out at the EPO which appears to reveal some very worrying results, calling for an analysis to be carried out jointly by the EPO President and the EPO / SUEPO staff representation.

It is therefore crucial that the situation be unblocked to enable the staff involved to move forward.

The reminder letter of January 29, 2019

The letter of November 26, 2018 calling for amnesty at the EPO for all cases of a political nature.

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