ACP Secretariat: Wellness at the workplace


Dr Patrick Gomes, Secretary General of the ACP (association personnel secretariat groupe états d’Afrique Caraibes Pacifique) Secretariat, joined staff members for the launch of European Health Week, #BeActive, on September 20. They were also joined by Jamaica’s ambassador, Sheila Sealy-Monteith, who is a fervent supporter of well-being in the workplace.

The movement encourages employees to lead healthy lifestyles by balancing their professional lives with their well-being. #BeActive is a European Commission initiative to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. Indeed, levels of physical activity are stagnating or even declining in Europe, and European Week represents an appropriate response to this challenge.

European Health Week focuses on the benefits of physical exercise for a better quality of life. That’s why it’s so important for workers to find time during the day for physical activity. In fact, regular physical exercise (however minimal) has numerous effects on your health: better sleep, increased concentration, stronger bones and muscles, a feeling of well-being, reduced stress… and the list of benefits goes on!

Want to find out more about this initiative? Click here to find out more.

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