2014 Staff Regulations reform

Legal, Special Report, Working conditions

Staff Regulations reform : who still wants to work for the EU?

The European Court of Auditors’ Report No 15/2019 analyses the Commission’s implementation of the 2014 Staff Regulations reform and related measures. Verdict? Substantial savings, but not without consequences for staff. These measures resulted in a 5% reduction in posts, an increase in the retirement age from 63 to 66 and a temporary freeze on pensions and salaries. While they have led to significant savings, they have also had a negative impact on the attractiveness of the Union as an employer.

The Staff Regulations provide the framework for the employment of officials and other staff at the EU institutions, bodies and agencies. After a first far-reaching reform in 2004, the rules were again amended in 2014 in an effort to reduce staff expenditure and further streamline the EU civil service. We looked at the impact of the 2014 reforms at the Commission and concluded that they have led to considerable long-term savings. Yet though the Commission’s workforce has become more diverse and flexible, the actual impact of changes to improve HR management has been rather limited.

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