Révolution numérique … Intelligence artificielle …
Extrait de la Newsletter EPSU – 06 février 2019 – Texte en anglais uniquement !
EPSU fights for a trustworthy artificial intelligence use that supports rather than substitutes public service workers!
digitalisation and workers – artificial intelligence
(4 February 2019) In January EPSU contributed to a public consultation on draft ethics guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence. The guidelines were drawn up by a high level expert group set up by the European Commission in June 2018.
EPSU participated in the consultation, in coordination with the ETUC and the European Trade Union Institute. This follows work on the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce carried out in some of the most exposed sectors and public services such as healthcare and utilities. EPSU’s main point is to stress the need for a sound regulatory framework for the development of AI infrastructures in Europe…