IPSO – Solidarity action against outsourcing

Conditions de travail, Dossier Spécial, News

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Dear Colleagues,

IPSO had called for a solidarity action for our ECB colleagues in the IT department. About 200 colleagues, ECB staff and agency staff, from across the ECB areas participated. We thank all of you who participated and supported our claims visibly and audibly – without you, this event would not have been possible !

Frankfurt’s Lord Mayor, Mr Peter Feldmann, stated : „Frankfurt ist stolz, dass wir mit dem Sitz der EZB die dritte europäische Hauptstadt sind … Ich sage klar und deutlich : Wir brauchen Europa, aber wir brauchen auch ein besseres und ein sozialeres Europa. Darum stehe ich hinter den Forderungen der Gewerkschaften und finde es ein wichtiges Zeichen, dass sich auch in der EZB eine starke Gewerkschaft für die Beschäftigten einsetzt. “ – „ Frankfurt is proud to be the third European capital by hosting the ECB … I wish to state clearly : we need Europe, but we need as well a better and a more social Europe. This is why I support the claims of the unions and believe it is important that inside the ECB a strong union campaigns for the staff members.”

The solidarity action which took place yesterday, Wednesday, 7 June 2017, aimed to back IPSO’s claims for :

*Solidarity : safe and good quality work for all IT staff of the ECB, ECB staff and unions stand up for colleagues who have worked for many years for worse conditions than their colleagues – Europe is not a two-class society and temporary labour is not for permanent tasks.

*Equal treatment : the same conditions for all (ECB experts and temporary agency staff), and with ECB contracts working for Europe and not for the XYZ Ltd. for that company’s profit – let us stop the outsourcing !

*Democracy : the ECB has not respected the German and European law in regarding staff participation in temporary agency work. Neither the Staff Committee nor IPSO have ever been heard, and the Staff Committee cannot even go to any court to obtain its right by legal action; this is not democratic. ECB needs to respect staff’s participation rights in full. We wish to make the public aware of the democratic deficit in staff participation at the ECB.

At the beginning of the action, two saxophone players lightened up the mood of all participants. During the action, we welcomed the following speakers who were introduced by IPSO activists :

Peter Feldmann – Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt/Main ; Fabio de Masi – Member of the European Parliament ; Janine Wissler – Member of the Hessian Parliament ; Juan Pedro Perez Escanilla – Union Syndicale Fédérale-USF ; Philipp Jacks – German trade union federation leader of the Frankfurt region ; Gudrun Schmidt – PAPI – (Neighbourhood initiative of the Paul-Arnsberg-Platz) ; Carlos Bowles – Spokesperson ECB Staff Committee ; Johannes Priesemann – President IPSO.

We repeated our claims in a public space (Paul-Arnsberg-Platz), and we hope that this successful solidarity action will finally convince the ECB that the continuation of the outsourcing plans will not be accepted and result in further actions.

We count on you to continue, if necessary, the visible support for our colleagues and will keep you informed about any new development.

With best regards,

IPSO Board

IPSO on the ECB intranet: https://spe.ecb.de/sites/ipso/Pages/default.aspx

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