European Movement Federal Assembly


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News from the European Movement International

USF attended the Federal Assembly of European Movement International, Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November 2017.

Along with ETUC and other Trade Unions, USF delegates were present to underline the importance of the Social Pillar for the future of Europe. EMI advocates “a complete rethink of EU budget priority areas, rather than indiscriminate cuts on all budget lines.” [more…]

Topics which were discussed in the plenary included:

  • Democracy, citizen participation and fundamental values, including
    • the proposal for pan-european voting lists at the next European Parliamentary elections;
    • the proposal of Emmanual Macron to hold Democratic conventions;
    • the situation in each of the countries where EMI is present, in particular the challenges to democracy, human rights and the rule of law;
    • how EMI can engage young people and encourage their participation in political debate. The importance of the European project for Europe’s youth was underlined; for example, it was noted that the Brexit vote was organised during the main exam period which made it more difficult for the UK’s youth to exercise their right to vote.
    • The future of the European Union  – A futureproof European Union budget
    • The impact of climate change and new technologies on jobs and sustainable growth in Europe.

The plenary was preceded by three Political Committees

The policy papers were discussed at the plenary on Saturday morning. More information on these policies  and the work programme can be found on the European Movement website.

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