En tant que syndicat, les élections du Parlement européen revêtent une importance considérable pour nous. Au cœur de notre mission se trouvent le bien-être et les droits des travailleurs des services publics à travers l’Europe, soit 8 millions de personnes dont les voix méritent d’être entendues. Ces élections nous offrent une occasion cruciale d’amplifier notre voix collective, de plaider en faveur du changement et de faire pression pour des politiques sociales qui donnent la priorité au bien-être de tous les citoyens, tout en plaçant les personnes et la planète au-dessus des marges de profit. Voici le message de la FSESP que nous souhaitons partager avec vous (uniquement en anglais).
Brussels, 17 April 2024
Subject: EPSU’s Manifesto for the European Parliament Elections 2024
Dear colleagues,
The 2024 European Parliament elections are around the corner. This is an important moment for us to mobilise and make the voices of 8 million public service workers heard. The elections present an opportunity for us to demand change, push for social policies that everyone can benefit from, and ensure that the next European Parliament puts people and planet before profit.
EPSU has published a manifesto outlining seven key demands for a Europe based on democratic values and solidarity. These demands are essential in the face of looming austerity. Policymakers must make it a priority to deliver quality public services for all.
What EPSU has done:
- Published the manifesto in multiple languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, and Russian). Please let us know if other languages are needed.
- Prepared and published a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the manifesto’s key demands (Access the manifesto and presentation here).
- Organised several meetings with European political parties and groups to present the manifesto.
What you can do:
- Publish the manifesto on your website and social media platforms.
- Engage with political parties in your country, MEPs, MEP candidates and other politcians, tagging them on social media in discussions regarding the key demands.
- Reach out to journalists in your country to get media coverage.
- Invite an EPSU speaker to your events.
The manifesto represents more than just a list of demands; it highlights the urgent need for a stronger commitment from the European Parliament to quality public services – for all.
Many opinion polls predict a rise in the vote for extreme conservatives and the far-right. Workers and our communities have little hope for these parties to improve working conditions or workers’ rights. To help you understand their stance, we share an analysis of current far-right and extreme conservative MEPs’ votes on key issues in the European Parliament in the last term. These MEPs opposed all measures that would improve things for workers. We hope you can use this in your campaigns.
Together, we can make a difference. Let’s voice our demands for a Europe based on democratic values and solidarity!
In solidarity,
Jan Willem Goudriaan
EPSU General Secretary