STOP gender-based violence at work !

Harassment, Special Report

Take action against gender-based violence at work!

Join the call for local and global action – from 14 February until 8 March 2018 – to convince governments to support an ILO Convention and Recommendation on “Violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work”. An ILO Convention and Recommendation will send a strong message that violence is NOT part of the job. The standard and guidelines will also strengthen workers’ voices as they stand up against gender-based violence, and negotiate collective agreements that address GBV. #StopGBVatWork

We have entered a decisive period in time: In one month, at the ILO Conference on 10-21 June 2019, the second discussion and last round of tripartite negotiations will take place on the ILO instruments with a view to adopting an ILO Convention and Recommendation.

It is critical to continue to reinforce our lobby and advocacy campaigns

Please read carefully the ILO blue report,which forms the basis for the discussion at the ILC in June and provides important insights for your lobby and advocacy strategy.

  • Report V(2A): Contains responses of governments, employers and unions to the ILO’s brown reportandcomments of the ILO Office. The responses provide useful insights and information on the positions of governmentsand employers–in your country and region–which are supportive and/or critical ofvarious elements of the ILO instruments.
  • Report V(2b): Contains the proposed texts of the ILO Convention and Recommendation,which will form the basis for the second discussion at the ILO Conference in June 2019.

The ILO has released the “Ending violence and harassment in the world of work” (Blue Report) available for download in English, French and Spanish on the ILO website as follows: Report V(2A) and Report V(2B).

Report V(2) is published in two volumes. Report V(2A), has been prepared on the basis of replies received from governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations, and contains the essential points of their observations. Due to a logistical problem, a few replies that were sent within the deadline of 8 November 2018 have not been included in the present report. In order to avoid delaying the publication of the report, the Office will issue an Addendum with those replies.

Report V(2) is published in two volumes. The present bilingual volume, Report V(2B), contains the English and French versions of the proposed texts of the Convention and Recommendation, amended in the light of the observations made by governments and by employers’ and workers’ organizations and for the reasons set out in the Office commentaries in Report V(2A) – to be published by 11 March.

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