Reflection paper on the Future of EU Finances


Reflection paper on the Future of EU Finances

“Finally, the sound implementation of EU policies relies on a strong and efficient European civil service. Since 2013, the EU institutions have been fulfilling their commitment to reduce their staffing level. This happened despite the addition of new responsibilities, for example in handling the refugee crisis or dealing with security threats, or in the EU delegations abroad. The future EU budget should therefore make provision for a strong European civil service, attractive to talented young people from across the Union, and capable of delivering on the priorities that result from this reflection process. Decisions on future policies and instruments should take account of the impact on human resources.

A further reduction in staff levels could jeopardise the good functioning of the EU institutions. Similarly, previous reforms have reduced salaries and increased working time and pension age. There is clearly a declining interest among young people from Member States with relatively high per capita incomes in joining the EU institutions. While working conditions may only be one factor in such decisions, the trend is clear.”

You can read here the reflection paper on the future of EU finances. Here is an excerpt:

The EU budget helps to deliver on the things that matter for Europeans. By pooling resources at European level, Member States can achieve more than they could by acting alone. Together with national budgets and a wide array of legislative and regulatory instruments, the EU budget supports shared objectives and helps to tackle common challenges. From the first major common policy — agriculture — in the 1960s until today, the EU budget has changed progressively and in parallel with the building of the European Union.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Member States and the European Parliament broadened the scope of EU competences through changes in the Union’s founding treaties. Recognising the need to support the new single market, they increased the resources available under the Structural Funds to support economic, social and territorial cohesion. In parallel, the EU enhanced its role in areas such as transport, space, health, education and culture, consumer protection, environment, research, justice cooperation and foreign

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