IPSO: No outsourcing at the ECB !

News, Special Report, Working conditions

ECB staff and unions call for a democratic Europe with lived solidarity – No outsourcing at the ECB !

*Outsourcing vital IT systems causes risk with the potential to lose control of crucial data and systems, (we refer to the recent chaos in air traffic)
*Poor governance design with minimal involvement of staff representatives leads to decision processes and decisions unworthy of the European democratic tradition and is disrespectful of staff dignity

For 7 June 2017, 13:00, IPSO, the International and European Public Services Organisation, as well as DGB, the German trade union federation, as well EU trade union federations USF and EPSU called for a solidarity action for ECB’s IT staff and temporary agency staff. The objective of the action is to stop the outsourcing of IT services at the ECB and to denounce the lack of respect of the ECB for staff’s participation rights. The manifestation will take place in the vicinity of the ECB in Frankfurt, at the Paul-Arnsberg-Platz. 200 or more participants are expected by the organisers.

IPSO deplores that for many years the ECB has used temporary agency staff for permanent work. Many colleagues have been working for the ECB for more than 5 years and not few for more than 10 years for worse conditions, worse than their ECB colleagues. They face permanent pressure to lose their jobs. Many come from Southern and Eastern Europe. That is why IPSO says no to outsourcing at the ECB !

The new law on temporary agency work (AÜG) makes this model unfeasible. Now, the plan is to outsource the work which also affects ECB staff whose jobs will be changed in content – from IT specialised to contract management or other work. The jobs of more than 120 agency staff colleagues in the ECB’s IT department are at risk. The ECB has never consulted the staff representatives prior to any assignment of temporary agency workers – as is required by the law. Johannes Priesemann, President of IPSO observes : “The ECB applies the German law only partially. The ECB’s “Staff Committee” cannot even appeal at German or European Courts against this disrespect of participation rights. It is unacceptable that the long service of ECB staff and their agency colleagues shall now end in a risky and costly outsourcing.”

The unions are concerned that this means additional pressure on the salaries, permanent job insecurity, potentially worse quality of service, higher cost and higher risks for the ECB’s highly sensible data in banking supervision and monetary policy.

Politicians from Frankfurt (the Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann), Hesse (Janine Wissler, leader of die LINKE) and of the European Parliament (Fabio de Masi, European United Left/Nordic Green Left) as well as trade unionists are expected to speak in support of IPSO’s claims to stop the outsourcing and to offer the affected colleagues work at the ECB.

IPSO will also raise its claim that the draft German law on temporary agency work is not in line with the EU Directive on temporary agency work. The proposal to allow the assignment of temporary agency workers to permanent tasks on a revolving basis for 9-month assignments with unequal pay infringes the Directive and the principle of European law that indefinite labour contracts are the European standard. IPSO calls for a Europe with lived solidarity and respect for democracy within the ECB and EU institutions.

The action is aimed to support IPSO in its talks with the ECB to address the situation.

If you would like more information, or to schedule an interview, please call :
Johannes Priesemann (President) – +49 69 13 44 74 38, johannes.priesemann@ecb.europa.eu
Carlos Bowles (Press Relations) – +49 157 86 84 96 03, carlos.bowles@ecb.europa.eu

IPSO, the International and European Public Services Organisation, represents all those working at and for the European Central Bank (ECB). Not only does IPSO stand up for the rights of directly employed ECB colleagues, but also for those on precarious contracts and in temporary labour assignments.

IPSO on the internet : www.ipso.de

IPSO is the only recognised trade union at the ECB.

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