Conference on TISA and TTIP

4 June, 2015
USB - Consilium

Dear Colleagues,

In view of the interest you are demonstrating as responsible persons involved in building Europe on an everyday basis, we are pleased to inform you that Union Syndicale is organising a conference / debate on TISA (trade in services agreement).

TISA and TTIP (Transatlantic trade and investments agreement) are currently being negotiated and many parties claim that the democratic process that has allowed the European Union and its institutions to play the important role they play today may be circumvented and undermined in these agreements.

Many see a danger for the future of the Union, amongst others, in the setup of bodies in charge of disputes settlements where Member States may be sued for huge damages. Ultimately the Citizens and the future generations will be liable for failures of agreements negotiated outside of any democratic debate.

We need to be fully informed on the status of these agreements.

To this end we have invited Ignacio Iruarrizaga, head of the Unit in DG Trade, dealing with Services and investments. He will openly explain what is TISA and what is the state of play of the negotiations. He will also touch upon TTIP but the core of the debate will remain focused on TISA.


Agenda :


  • Economic importance of services
  • Rationale for the EU to join TISA
  • Guarantee that EU public services are protected
  • Preservation of right to regulate.


Union Syndicale invited Penny Clarke, Secretafy General Secretary of EPSU (European Federation of Public service Unions, whose depends Union Syndicale Fédérale) Head of EU Policies, and will give her views on the TISA explaining her position in an open debate.

You are invited to the conference which will take place on :

4th June 2015, from 12h30 to 14.30, at CCAB (Centre de Conférence Borschette) – Rue Froissart 36 – Room AB-OD

The presentations will be followed by a debate with direct questions and answers with the speakers. There will be translation EN-FR/FR-EN.

For information, read here Union Syndicale Fédérale’s resolution on TISA during the Congress in Dubrovnik 1-3 May 2015

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