USF CONGRESS in Dubrovnik, 1-3 May 2015 : DRAFT AGENDA
*Session 1 : 1 May, morning (9:30 – 13:00)
- Opening, welcome
- Formalities : adoption of agenda, election of presidency bureau, secretariat, scrutineers, etc.
- Report of the scrutineers
- Expulsions
- New members
- Address by Mr M. Mršić, Croatian Minister of Labour and Pension Systems (11:30), and discussion
- Report of the Audit Board, and approval
*Session 2 : 1 May, afternoon (14:30 – 18:30)
- Address by Mr H. Marušić, Assistant Minister – Croatian Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs, and discussion
- Federal Committee activity report for debate and approval
- Modifications to the USF Statutes
*Session 3 : 2 May, morning (9:00 – 13:00)
- Address by Mr B. Hüttemann (European Movement International), and discussion
- Situation of trade unions in the European and International Public Service
- Future of Civil Service Tribunal, ILOAT, and other judicial systems
*Session 4 : 2 May, afternoon (14:30 – 18:30)
Working groups (14:30 – 17:00)
1) Dignity/wellbeing at work (with Ms M. Bouchier)
2) Research
3) Modernisation of the Organisation and its communication
4) Agencies
Plenary discussion of the results of the working groups 1, 2 and 4
*Session 5 : 3 May, morning (9:30 – 13:00)
- Address by Ms N. Salson (European Federation of Public Service Unions), and discussion
- TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) (with Ms D. James (Our World Is Not For Sale) and MEP Mr H. Scholz)
*Session 6 : 3 May, afternoon (14:30 – 20:00)
- Address by Mr B. Pleša, President of NHS (Croatian Trade Union for the Public Service)
- USF resources : strike fund, communication, legal, etc. (conclusions from working group 3)
- Election of the Disputes Board and the Audit Board
- Debate/adoption of additional resolutions