The Executive Committee implements the trade union policies of USB as defined by the General Assembly. Help us fight the next battles of USB!
So who or what is the Executive Committee? After the General Assembly, the Executive Committee is the decision-making body of Union Syndicale Brussels (USB), composed of the following sections: European Commission and its executive agencies, General Secretariat of the Council, European External Action Service (EEAS), Eurocontrol; the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. Each section elects its representatives to sit on the committee to report on the activities and the state of social dialogue in their own institution or organisation. They report on actions taken, problems encountered, and they act as spokespersons for the members of their institution. The Executive Committee implements the trade union policies of USB as defined by the General Assembly.
Let us take a closer look as some of the technical details. The Executive Committee is composed of 28 members who are elected by secret ballot, by institution, for a period of 3 years. It is therefore responsible, in particular, for organising income and expenditure according to the guidelines laid down by the General Assembly and for ensuring that its decisions are implemented.
Over the past two years, the COVID pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives: our working conditions are changing, with some institutions trying hot-desking or flexitime, coupled with teleworking… In short, the world of work is changing, and in order to guarantee fair working conditions that are adapted to all staff, Union Syndicale Brussels is stepping in!
Through regular consultation of its members, and through a wide range of expertise thanks to its many representatives, active across most institutions, USB protects your rights but is also an actor in social dialogue with the administration.
The next Executive Committee election will take place this year and we are looking to you! Do you want to be part of a dynamic and meaningful trade union project? Are you convinced that the European civil service should represent all its staff, regardless of their contractual status, gender or ethnic background? Do you want to get involved in defending the rights and working conditions of your colleagues? Then take that step and make a difference! The Executive Committee needs your expertise and commitment. You can stand as a candidate for your institution. To do so, you must:
- Be a member of USB for at least 6 months (at the date of the General Assembly where the elections are launched).
- Stand as a candidate and campaign to be elected.
- Collect as many votes as possible from USB members in your institution in order to be elected and win one of the seats allocated to your section.
Two other structures will also be renewed in 2022:
The Audit Board
The Disputes Board
As these are two supervisory committees, it is not possible to be elected to the Executive Committee at the same time as to one of its boards. On the other hand, there is nothing to prevent you from running for all three bodies at the same time if you meet the eligibility requirements, but you will have to choose which one you want to be involved in! The rules for being elected are more or less the same as for the Executive Committee:
- Be a member of the USB for 6 months (at the date of the General Assembly where the elections are launched) for the Audit Board and 3 years for the Disputes Board.
- Stand as a candidate and campaign to be elected.
- Collect as many votes as possible from the USB members of your institution in order to be elected and win one of the seats allocated to your section.
To find out the precise procedure for standing as a candidate, contact your Union Syndicale secretariat in your institution or you can consult our Statutes.
We look forward to collaborating with you!
Noémie Mertens
Communications Assistant at Union Syndicale.