Secretary-General of USB from 2016 to 2021
We’ll have to wait another 50 years (maybe 25) to have in your hands such an Agora issue like this. An issue that summarizes the history of the USB with its lights and shadows...
We’ll have to wait another 50 years (maybe 25) to have in your hands such an Agora issue like this. An issue that summarizes the history of the USB with its lights and shadows.
It is not only a commemorative text but a practical reference of everything you need to know about our statutory achievements, many, if not all, of which are due to the action of Union Syndicale.
Of course, there is the METHOD. This word evokes everywhere a procedure for adjusting our wages, conceived by Union Syndicale (with the opposition of some trade unions, it must be said) and included in the Status. You will find, in the dedicated article, all the nuances of a system, admittedly complicated, which has been able to withstand the attacks of certain member states.
In addition to the METHOD. From entry into service to retirement, through promotions, our health insurance or the working environment, Union Syndicale has been present on all fronts. The Status testifies to this, and the Courts Judgements are there to prove it.
Moreover we have also invested in extra-statutory matters, developing information and advice lines in matters such as tax residence or inheritance.
We cannot ignore the shadowy areas, indeed the USB has undergone several splits. One could say that it has been an incubator for unions. These splits have been encouraged by administrative policies aimed at dividing the staff and by a segmentation of the different categories which is sometimes more theoretical than real. Union action is therefore more complicated and unity of action more difficult to achieve.
USB is responding to this challenge by strengthening the Union Syndicale Fédérale, which is increasingly present in other international organizations and agencies. This allows for a solidarity that goes beyond the institutions of the European Union and allows for an exchange of best practices.
A big family happy about this 50th anniversary !
Secretary-General of USB from 2016 to 2021