Search Results for “iloat”

Future of ILOAT

The whole question of the future of ILOAT is still in a serious crisis! The President of the USF made some comments on the subject.

EPO: 3 BIG Wins at ILOAT

EPO: three big wins at the ILOAT for the Union representatives that were unfairly dismissed by President Batistelli.

Additional Fight: Confronting Employer Interference

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9223 - 26The recurring anti-union attack on trade unionists in the European institutions, which directly affects the very organization of trade unions, is the “6-year rule”. Confronting employer interference: trade unionists’ additional fight for democracy in the workplace For 50 years, Union Syndicale has been fighting to give rights…

Trade Union’s challenge in guarding The EU core values

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #8930-31The history of the trade union movement is a constant struggle between two different visions of what the European project should be. When the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957 and became the foundation of the European Economic Community, the essential purpose was that of ‘constantly improving the…

Dubrovnik 2015

USF Congress Dubrovnik 2015USF CONGRESS in Dubrovnik, 1-3 May 2015 : DRAFT AGENDA *Session 1 : 1 May, morning (9:30 – 13:00) Opening, welcome Formalities : adoption of agenda, election of presidency bureau, secretariat, scrutineers, etc. Report of the scrutineers Expulsions New members Address by Mr M. Mršić, Croatian Minister of Labour…

A short history of the USOEB

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #88Pages 46 - 49SUEPO (Staff Union of the European Patent Office) was born in 1979 out of the “Syndicat du Personnel de l’Institut International des Brevets” (SP- IIB) which was founded in 1969, following the creation of the European Patent Office (EPO) in 1977, and the merging of the…