Search Results for “agencies”

From Union Formation to Collective Empowerment

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9120 - 22Becoming a member of the US IUE Florence means no longer being a mere spectator to the changes that take place around us. US IUE Florence’s Journey at the European University Institute The EUI and US IUE Florence Florence The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, while…

When You’re a Trade Unionist, You Don’t Believe in Fatality

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9112 - 16"My main motivation was to fight against all injustices, collective and personal, to defend those who can't do it themselves and to speak up for them" It’s 2024 and USF is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I’ve been a member, through the USB, for around 30 years, I’ve…

Looking Back, Moving Forward

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #914 - 8The famous “Méthode salariale”, a very well thought trough concept initiated by USF is still a pillar of the EU Institutions’ social package. Union Syndicale Fédérale’s 50-Year Journey Beyond our celebration, Union Syndicale Fédérale’s 50th anniversary is a great opportunity to look back into achievements and into…

Editorial #91

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #91350th anniversary, so long so short, so much done, so much to be done, but no place for pessimism Dear Readers, “50th anniversary, so long so short, so much done, so much to be done, but no place for pessimism” In this special edition commemorating the 50th anniversary of Union…

US Flash Octobre 2023

Certification; JSIS rules and the value of giving the power of attorney; The Picard case – What does it mean for GSC staff?

Challenging the Status Quo of Teleworking

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9026-28Discover here the analysis and examination of middle managers' and real estate companies resistance to continued teleworking Examining Middle Managers’ and Real Estate Companies Resistance to Continued Teleworking   Introduction As the landscape of work undergoes rapid transformation, the collision of viewpoints becomes evident in the dichotomy between middle…

the Power of Disconnecting and Annual Leave

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9012-23The Right to Disconnect and the utilization of annual leave are crucial for employee well-being and productivity. Unveiling the Power of Disconnecting and Annual Leave for Employee Well-being Trends and policies regarding annual leave in different countries. The potential consequences of insufficient or underutilised annual leave. Introduction In the…

Four-day week: a utopia worth fighting for

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #904-9Four-Day Workweek : the complexities and implications in this thought-provoking idea in balancing personal freedom with economic realities. Imagining the reduction of the working week is hard because it is so far from our reality. The last time there was such a significant change was too long ago for…

Action Plan

USFACTION PLANA Transformative Action Plan for our Resolutions Digitalisation2023 Framework on digitalisationSustainability2023 Ecological Transition and Sustainability at WorkInternal Education Program2023 Health Services2023 Access to Health Services and Medical Cost CoverageThe Advantage and the Dysfunction of the EU Health Insurance SchemeLabour Rights2023 Agencies